RDBKA offers a range of courses for those who would like to become involved in beekeeping, and for those who are already involved; indeed, we are able to offer advice and guidance to anyone from Beginner through to Master Beekeeper.
Becoming a knowledgeable and responsible beekeeper, whilst adopting beekeeping’s best practices are the aims. We follow the British Beekeeping Association’s (BBKA) programme of courses, wherever possible and practicable.
RDBKA Educational and Training Support Scheme (ETSS). This is an exciting new initiative, which is offered to Members of the Association keen to progress their formal beekeeping along the BBKA's Framework of Examinations and Assessments. This includes all BBKA Modules and Practical Assessments. In sum, for Association Members, the RDBKA undertakes to refund the fees of formal courses and/or examinations offered by the BBKA after completion. The details and conditions of the Scheme, and the courses to which it applies, are attached. Applications are made by contacting the RDBKA Education Officer; and refunds are made by the Treasurer.
Educational and Training Support Scheme (ETSS) (36kb pdf download).
During the ‘bee season’ (from Apr to Jul) we hold 2-hour ‘Experience Sessions’ and ‘Practical Handling Sessions’ of bees at our Teaching Apiary, accessible for Friends/Members of the Association
Experience Sessions are designed to test whether or not beekeeping is a desirable pastime for those who are thinking of taking up beekeeping as a hobby; Practical Handling Sessions are for those who have undertaken one of our courses. Both allow safe, practical handling of bees under supervision.
These are dedicated sessions primarily for absolute beginners and/or for those who have attended one of our Beginners’ courses, and are for those who don’t yet own bees but would like to ‘test the water’; although any beginner with bees is welcome to attend these sessions.
For all those who newly become Friends or Members of the Association, for those who wish to keep bees and have attended our Introduction to Beekeeping Courses, and for Beginners who have already have bees, a RDBKA Mentor may be assigned, should they wish.
This will be an experienced RDBKA beekeeper who is close to the Apiary site, and who is able to act as a first point of contact for beekeeping matters. This has proved to be very popular for newcomers to beekeeping.
Should you wish to ask for a RDBKA Mentor, please contact the Secretary
31 May & 1 June 2025
£60 per person; £100 per couple
It is a 2-day, weekend course on the theory of beekeeping, combined with a practical ‘hands-on’ experience (weather dependent). Delivered by experienced beekeepers, it is aimed at the newcomer to beekeeping; ideal for those who would like to ‘test the water’.
Those attending do not need to be members of the Association but will be encouraged to join either as a Friend or Member. For those who do join, and subsequently take up bees, they will be assigned an RDBKA Mentor, an experienced beekeeper close to home, who will act as a first port of call for beekeeping matters.
Download the course Information
RDBKA-Intro-Weekend (38kb pdf download)
Interested in this course?
A comprehensive evening course of 10 x 2hrs sessions, from 7.30pm - 9.30pm every other every other Tuesday, 12 Nov 2024 - 15 Apr 2025 at Colburn Church Hall, in preparation for the forthcoming bee season. There are 2 x additional practical handling sessions in May/June at the RDBKA Teaching Apiary.
This is a course primarily for those without bees, who are new to beekeeping and who are serious about becoming a knowledgeable, responsible and proficient beekeeper. Everything a new beekeeper needs to know in order to establish and maintain healthy colonies in a controlled way.
This course is open to any member the public, but places are limited. Friends/Members of the Association will take preference. It is for those who are serious about keeping bees and should be regarded as a pre-requisite for responsible beekeepers. Those who apply for this course will be automatically enrolled as a "Friend' of the RDBKA Association, which is the minimum prerequisite for attendance. The cost of becoming a 'Friend' is £10; this level of membership is automatically included in the total cost of the course. If you are already a 'Friend' or 'Member' of the Association at the time of application, this additional cost will of course not be required. Becoming a full 'Member' of the Association is encouraged when owning bees in order to take full advantage of there necessary bee insurances. Membership information.
Those who do join the Association will have a RDBKA Mentor assigned. Cost £90 (includes £10 automatic Friend Membership for 1 year)
Download the course Information
RDBKA-Intro-Beginners (32 kb pdf download)
Interested in this course?
An evening course of 7 x theoretical and practical sessions, from 7.30pm - 9.30pm every other Tuesday, 28 Jan - 22 April 2025 at Colburn Church Hall in preparation for the forthcoming bee season. There are 2 x additional practice handling sessions for Novices at the RDBKA Apiary in May/June.
Ideally this is for those who have completed the Beginners' Course. A pre-requisite for this course is that you either have or have had bees, or can demonstrate sufficient knowledge and/or experience, and that you have over-wintered bees for at least 1 season.
The aim of this course is to develop a deeper beekeeping knowledge and demonstrate practices sufficient to meet the requirements and standards of the BBKA Certificate of Proficiency in Apiculture - a relatively straightforward hands-on, practical examination. Those on this course will be eligible to take the Basic exam in season, should they wish. On completion the BBKA Exam Fee will be refunded by the RDBKA as part of the RDBKA Educational and Training Support Scheme.
The Novices’ Course goes into greater depth on all the important areas of beekeeping: beekeeping year; swarming; uniting and colony heath and hygiene; and others. It also prepares the knowledge and practices needed for the practical examination. The BBKA Basic Assessment Syllabus (1mb pdf download) will be taken, for those who wish it, during the season directly following the course. Cost £80.00
Download the course Information
RDBKA-Intro-Novices (34kb pdf download)
Interested in this course?
An evening course of 10 x 2hrs theoretical and practical sessions, held at the Colburn Church Hall, from 7.30pm-9.30pm every other Thursday, 14 Nov 2024 - 17 Apr 2025
It is a course for those who have completed the RDBKA Beginners' and Novices' Courses AND/OR for those who already hold the BBKA Certificate in Apiculture.
The Improvers' Course supports those who are interested in furthering the theoretical and practical aspects of beekeeping in line with the BBKA Training and Education Framework; in particular, supporting aspects of Modules 1, 2 and the BBKA General Husbandry Certificate.
The viability of this course is entirely dependent upon numbers. Cost £80.00
Download the course Information
RDBKA-Improvers (42kb pdf download)
Interested in this course?
RDBKA is keen to widen and support the profile of beekeeping in our local community.
With prior agreement and subject to availability of presenters, we are able to offer bespoke presentations on beekeeping to groups, clubs and communities, as required.
We do not charge for such events but would gladly accept a donation to the Association. If you are interested please contact the Secretary, RDBKA.
RDBKA is very keen to ‘spread the word’ to the younger generations and to offer practical ‘hands-on’ experiences to engage youth.
Special conditions apply when considering those under 16, but with prior agreement and subject to availability of Instructors and equipment, the RDBKA can offer ‘Experience Days’ at our Teaching Apiary for bespoke groups of young adults during the bee season (Apr - Jul). These need to be agreed and planned in advance.
This initiative is in its infancy and schools wishing to partake in bespoke opportunities, midweek and/or weekends at out Teaching Apiary, please contact the Secretary RDBKA or the RDBKA Education Officer, for more information.
All the RDBKA courses at the practical level aim towards, and are fully in line with, achieving the BBKA Basic Certificate of Proficiency in Apiculture. Eligibility for the exam is subject to satisfying the necessary criteria - the main ones being ownership of bees and overwintering for at least one season.
The Basic Certificate Exam is a practical 1hr examination (approx) at an apiary, where candidates merely demonstrate basic frame handling skills, identification skills and a degree of beekeeping knowledge. Most who have kept bees for a while could obtain this certificate; it reflects only what beekeepers have to do and to know routinely!
We very much see the Basic as a minimum qualification to aim for - ‘a driving licence’ - which demonstrates a technical proficiency in beekeeping for those who are interested in receiving recognition for their efforts in the most rewarding of topics.
The BBKA Basic Assessment Syllabus (1mb pdf download)
The BBKA Recommended Booklist (376kb pdf download)
There are many other BBKA-run courses, en-route to becoming a Master Beekeeper, which can be done individually but supported by RDBKA, for those who wish to take beekeeping further.
Any Member of the Association, who undertakes formal BBKA training/examinations, are eligible to having their fees refunded by the RDBKA under its new Educational and Training Support Scheme (ETSS) (36kb pdf download).
Training Qualification and Assessment Framework Chart (39kb pdf download)
For any advice or guidance you require on any of the RDBKA courses and opportunities to further your beekeeping journey, written or practical examinations, from Beginner all the way to Master Beekeeper, please contact the RDBKA Secretary or Education officer.
In 2015 the RDBKA built a new “Teaching Apiary” in lower Wensleydale, the purpose of which is to provide education and promotion of all aspects of the craft of beekeeping to all members of the RDBKA, regardless of experience. Our teaching apiary is the main location where we can provide ‘hands on’ teaching, with practical demonstrations and an opportunity to discuss all aspects of beekeeping.
Members have the opportunity not only to attend association meetings here but also to accompany the Apiary “carers” on their weekly visits (in season) to practice handling skills, hygiene methods and beekeeping techniques. The apiary currently hosts 4 working colonies for demonstration purposes. The hives are modified nationals with mesh floors.
We welcome beginners and those considering taking up the hobby, and we can provide protective clothing for your visit. Contact us for more information
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Registered Charity NO. 519638
Site by Moonburst