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Richmond Beekeepers Association in North Yorkshire
Richmond and District Beekeepers' Association, North Yorkshire





RDBKA Members' Area



Course Application

Use the form on this page to apply for any of our courses.


Go to the Training & Education Page for information on the courses offered by the RDBKA



Paying for the Course

Cheques payable to “Richmond and District BKA” can be posted to the Treasurer, or you can pay electronically:

Sort code: 40-38-19
Account no: 50701629,
Account name: Richmond & District Beekeepers’ Association
Reference: Your surname

Treasurer: Mr Graham Dodds
Beech Cottage
North Yorkshire

Confirm an interest in a course

Course Information


Please select your payment method:

Please tick if you authorise us to store the above information. We do this so we can contact you in relation to this enquiry.

For full details about the storage of your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy

CODE HINT: uppercase "E", uppercase "E", uppercase "M", uppercase "A"

Please enter the code shown